Entering a payment

Payments can be added from several different places in Main Street Sites. 

If you add a payment from a customer account, for example, the account will be pre-selected for you on the payment page. Otherwise, you will need to select an account for the payment.

To add a new payment, select the "Apply Payment" command from any of the pages that support this function.

Payments get applied to fees (and occasionally credits)

When you enter a payment, it should be applied to outstanding fees in the customer's account. You will need to add the fees first if they don't already exist. See Adding, editing and deleting fees (general) for more information on adding fees. You may also apply fees to credits in the customer's account. Applying a payment to a credit has the effect of reducing the amount needed to pay off any outstanding fees.

Entering cash and check payments

To enter a cash or check payment, just enter the date and amount. Then pick the correct payment method (cash or check).

Enter any reference information or notes that you wish to keep with this payment.

All outstanding charges for this account will be listed at the bottom of the page. Click on "Auto apply payment amount" to automatically apply the payment amount to these charges. You can fill in the amount manually if you prefer.

Once you save the payment, the account balance will be reduced by the amount of the payment, and the fees will be marked as paid based on the amount you applied to them.

Entering Credit Card Payments

Main Street Sites includes a built-in virtual terminal for our customers using merchant accounts.

This means you can enter and process credit card payments from insite your Main Street Sites account.

To do this, first make sure "Card" is selected in the Method field. This will cause the "Card Info" section to appear (as shown below).

Enter your customer's credit card information, and click Save to save the payment and process the transaction. If the transaction doesn't go through for any reason (such as an invalid card number, expired card, etc.), the payment will not save until the issue is corrected.
