Adding, editing and deleting class meetings (General)

You can add, edit and delete class meetings from several different places in Main Street Sites.

Where can you add, edit and delete class meetings?

  1. From Manage > Classes > Classes - "Class Meetings" tab.

    Use this page to view all class meetings for a single class at one time.
    See Adding editing and deleting class meetings (from Manage > Classes > Classes) for details.

  2. From Manage > Classes > Class Meetings (all meetings).

    Use this page to view any or all class meetings in your account at one time.
    See Adding editing and deleting class meetings (from Manage > Classes > Class Meetings) for details.

Entering new class meetings

For the most part, class meetings are generated automatically based on the start date and duration of a given class. However, you can manually enter class meetings for a given class by going to Manage > Classes > Classes and selecting the "Class Meetings" tab. See Entering a class meeting for details on these options.

Editing class meetings

Hover over a class meeting on a grid on any of the pages listed above and click on the far right blue down arrow. This displays a list of commands applicable to that class meeting. Select the "Edit" command to open the class meeting and edit it.

Also on that list are commands to update make-up and demo slots or delete the class meeting (see the section below). 

See Adding editing and deleting class meetings (from Manage > Classes > Classes) or Adding editing and deleting class meetings (from Manage > Classes > Class Meetings) for details.

Deleting class meetings

Hover over a class meeting on a grid on any of the pages listed above and click on the far right blue down arrow. Select the "Delete" command from the dropdown list.

Important note: You can only delete meetings that you have entered yourself manually. The meetings that are generated automatically by Main Street Sites cannot be deleted. They can be cancelled or moved by editing the class meetings as shown above. They can also be removed by changing the class start date or duration. 
